How to search in a webpage

You can also search for a certain keyword in a website loaded in the embedded browser.

How it works:

1. Click on the tools symbol in the browser toolbar. A menu with various commands will be called up.
2. Now click on the command Find in webpage. The window Suchen will be opened.
3. Enter your search term in the input field.
4. If necessary, you can activate the options Nur ganze W÷rter and Gro▀/Kleinschreibung beachten by clicking on the checkboxes.
5. In the area Suchrichtung you can define the direction of the search - just click on the option RⁿckwΣrts or VorwΣrts.
6. Click on the button Weitersuchen after having made your entries. Hits will be highlighted in the webpage by blue background colour.

You can find further information under:

Browser toolbar
Tools symbol (Browser toolbar)